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Science Outreach Athabasca Presents: Origins of the Athabasca River Basin Research Institute.
Science Outreach Athabasca Presents: Biting Flies; vampires of the north, Part 1 of 4: Introduction
Science Outreach Athabasca Presents: Biting Flies; vampires of the north, Part 4 of 4: Control
Science Outreach Athabasca Presents: Biting Flies; vampires of the north, Part 3 of 4: Other Biting
Athabasca River Basin High-Res Modelling of the Impact of Climate Change
Athabasca River. History (now and then)
Simulation of a flooding event in Athabasca River Basin by HydroGeoSphere, Aquanty Inc.
Athabasca Landing: An Illustrated History—Introduction
Athabasca basin
How Athabasca uranium deposits were discovered from the air
LiveStream: Impacts of Withdrawing Water
Keepers of the Water: Protecting Water in the Arctic Basin and the current threats to water.